Scout LOVES this movie! She watches their every move and then factor in the doggie sounds.. Whoa..Overload! She is a trip to watch! I really think she has a crush on Tramp and wants Lady to be her BFF.. LOL
I am glad Christmas is over! I got a lot of nice gifts and spent quality time with family and friends. I sure missed the college *kid* , but he had a grand time in NY. I am going to get back on the blogging ball ..LOL I have been slacking a lot lately... I have posted a lot of *I's* huh? Now U can post and leave a comment about your holidays..Huggles til tommorrow!!
Sleepy little town outside of Nashville, Tenn., United States
I am a cowgirl Mom to a 21 year old college student, wife to my Prince Charming, doggie mom to a little Jack Russell named Scout. How did one person get so lucky?